
Winter 2016-Engaging Learning Activities and Fun with Community & Parents

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Kindergarten enjoys their math lessons using a variety of learning materials including ten-frame mats, play-doh, measuring cubes, and individual whiteboards so everyone is engaged in the thought process.

The reading groups continue to progress through the Common Core reading curriculum.

We do many writing activities throughout the year, and one of the writing process projects describes what we do during Lent to prepare our hearts for the real meaning of Easter.   The class uses graphic organizers to show ideas and form their own sentences, create their draft, and publish.

Kindergarten had their first field trip to the local fire station!    We just learned about community helpers, so we had a lot of good questions to ask!  We learned a lot and filled out one of my favorite charts...a KWL chart!

We just received our Painted Lady butterfly larva to help us learn about living things and their needs.   Through observation, recording, and prediction, students will learn about the life cycle of the butterflies.  We also will relate the butterflies to Easter and symbols of new life during this Lenten time. We will release the butterflies with the community before Easter, and the parents are welcome to come!

The students used a flow chart to show the life cycle of the butterflies.

The larva are to small to draw, so the class learned about the life cycle, and painted the adult stage of the butterflies during Friday art period (last 30 minutes on Friday).

Students enjoyed creating Mondrian pieces and learned about modern art and art elements during Friday art period.

Before Christmas Break, the parents were invited into the classroom to make gingerbread houses with their children.